multi-family in Springtown, Parker County, Texas

Garage Sales Springtown, Springtown, Parker County, Texas
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LATE POSTING: SALE Azle, Springtown area for Thurs, Fri, Sat; Oct. 25, 26, 27; 9a.m. to 5p.m. Located at 4794 HWY 199 East, Springtown, TX, 76082. Hundreds and hundreds of items. Go 4 miles west of Azle. Look
to the right for Sale Banner and the Big White Barn down the long lane. FURNITURE: household, antiques, marble collection, Baseball Cards: “5200 Plus” total Collection, trunks, wardrobes, very old printing plates,
competition air rifles, compound bows, APPLIANCES, washer/dryer, refrigerators clean & ready, power and hand TOOLS, generators, gas welder, pressure washer, BUILDING MATERIALS: doors, storm doors, plumbing and light fixtures, boxes of PVC fittings- all sizes, electrical boxes, weatherhead, ladder rack & diamond plate tool box for full size truck. HOUSEHOLD MISC.: bedding, lamp, cast iron pot, bedding, jewelry,
glassware, collectible what-nots, western décor, Christmas decoration, office & school supplies, electronics, musical stuff, guitar, OP books, old song
books, CD’s, ….. still digging. DOWN-SIZING. ALL MUST GO. OFFERS ENCOURAGED.

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Views 86
Listing id 111965
Post date October 26, 2018 2:36 AM
Garage Sale Date October 26, 2018
Garage Sale End Date October 27, 2018
Result 0 votes
Elle Gray
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