Moving Sale in Klawock, Prince of Wales-Hyder, Alaska

Garage Sales Klawock, Klawock, Prince of Wales-Hyder, Alaska
500.00 $


Hello there!

I moved here back in July and the home I bought is much smaller than the one I came from so I need to de-clutter a bit. I have a really nice desk (solid wood) and mission style. From the move there is a small crack in it but overall it's the bee's knees. I have other stuff too. I am in Klawock. If all else fails and I don't get what I want I need to hire some guys to help me move it into storage. I am a single mom so I am not trying to move a 300 lb desk by myself. Sorry no picture... just don't have one yet. Just moved into this home.

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Listing id 869
Post date November 30, 2014 11:26 PM
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