Moving sale in Hope Mills, Cumberland, North Carolina

Garage Sales Hope Mills, Cumberland, North Carolina
Check with seller


Moving Sale: Saturday, November 22 and Sunday, November 23 , 7 am until Noon
1504 Rough Rider Lane , Hope Mills (in Steeple Chase off Black Bridge Rd)

All prices are negotiable.

coffee table with two matching end tables $40
settee with matching ottoman $75
Black and Decker weed eater (cordless with two rechargeable batteries) $50
Craftsman lawnmower (gas powered, bagless) $80
desk chair with rollers (2) $10 each
cooler $5
boy's bike by Jeep $20
girl's princess bike $10
kids' bike helmets $2 each
black gaming chair $10
kid Toy Story papasan $5
kid Disney Princess papasan $5
wood night stand (vintage) $20
Hoover steam cleaner $80
various kitchen items, children books, shoes, picture frames, snow shovel, flower pots, games, toys, sheets

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Views 212
Listing id 677
Post date November 20, 2014 7:04 PM
Result 0 votes
Karen Morgan
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