HUGE TACK SALE - EVERYTHING MUST GO! in Lake Milton, Mahoning County, Ohio

Garage Sales Lake Milton, Mahoning County, Ohio


Diamond/Lake Milton
3749 Mahoning Rd, Lake Milton, Ohio 44429
Palmyra Twp. South of Rt 18. Approximately 1/3 mile on right side.

You don't want to miss this! Everything you could ever need!

Horse Tack: Saddles. Bridles. Bits/Snaffles. Bare Back pads. Lunge lines and training whips. Too numerous to list.

Barn Equipment/Supplies: Manure forks. Metal hay forks. Metal scoops. Plastics scoops. Stall chains. Water and Feed buckets.

Pasture Equipment/Supplies: Water troughs. Wood fencing & posts. Metal fencing. Pasture gates - tube and flat panel. Small spring tooth harrow for paddock and pasture. Many other outdoor items.

Decorative and Collectible Items
Dog and Cat supplies

NOTE: 10% Discount to high school or younger members of horse clubs or 4H. Good on any purchase of $10.00 or more
Lots of Freebies and cheapies!

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Listing id 44970
Post date August 30, 2017 8:15 PM
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Cheri Lynn
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