huge multi family garage sale in University Park in Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado

Garage Sales Pueblo, Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado
1.00 $


Huge multi family garage sale Friday and Saturday (7-8th) from 8-2ish. No early birds please! 4808 Cedarweed Ave. in University Park. Stuff is priced to sell! There is everything from kids clothes and toys, dishes, small appliances, books, including old college texts and star wars books, crafting supplies, sewing supplies, decorations, large movie banners from Tinseltown, saxophone, kayak, brand new Collectable Star Wars Figurines, full sized metal bed frame that is a bunk bed on top and a desk area underneath with built in tables and shelves, and much more!

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Listing id 12091
Post date August 6, 2015 6:39 PM
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Kelli Joy Etienne
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