Huge Moving Sale in Assaria, Saline, Kansas

Garage Sales Assaria, Saline, Kansas
999.00 $


HUGE MOVING SALE @ Assaria Community Garage Sales. Saturday, June 20.
From 8:00 am - ??
Lots of Boys clothes size 2, 3 and 4. Lots of Girls clothing size 7, 8 and 10. Many name brands and everything in excellent condition!
Lot of Boys and Girls shoes. Womens and Juniors clothes and shoes Size Small, Medium, Large and XL. Soccer Cleats, Life Jackets, Sit and Stand Stroller. Brown Chester drawers and Dresser set,
Girls bike, lots of toys, Inflatable Jumpy, Pop A shot, lots of household decor and much much more!!
Look for the Lime Green Signs when you come into Assaria!!

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Post date June 15, 2015 3:26 PM
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