HUGE Estate Garage Sale in Broomfield, Broomfield County, Colorado

Garage Sales Broomfield, Broomfield County, Colorado
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Huge Estate Sale.
Furniture including bedroom sets, chairs, recliners, entry tables, and more.
Small kitchen appliances including coffee makers, mixers, can openers, blenders, toaster, and more.
Glassware including drinking glass sets, crystal glass sets, wine glass sets, coffee mugs, and more.
Full sets of dishes.
Crystal and Silver items.
Pots and Pans.
Figurines, wood carvings, and many elegant, tasteful decorative items.
Artist supplies for painters using watercolor, oil paints, acrylics, pastels, or charcoal medium. Brushes, all size canvas, tools, and art storage containers.
Come join us as we clear out an entire estate of belongings!!

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Views 119
Listing id 34463
Post date May 17, 2017 9:03 AM
Result 0 votes
Elisa Locke
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