Garage/mom’s estate sale sat & sun 10/13 & 10/14 in Morris County, New Jersey

Garage Sales Jefferson Township/Oak Ridge, Morris County, New Jersey
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Hi Folks, I will be having a garage sale on Saturday and Sunday 10/13/18 and 10/14/18. My mom passed away in December of last year and I have a garage full of her things. There is furniture, clothing, jewelry, household things, several collections of cups/plates, crystal, cranberry glass, milk glass, pink glass, and she had a bunch of things that she received as gifts that she never opened, so while the boxes might not be in the best of shape, the contents are new and untouched. No early birds! I had a garage sale this weekend and sold a bunch of things, but only just became aware of this site to list on, so hopefully next weekend will be a huge success! Heather Hills Drive is a horseshoe shaped road off of Chamberlain Road. My house is on the leg of the horseshoe that is closest to the intersection of Chamberlain and Cozy Lake Roads...light yellow ranch with red door and shutters and a large flag pole with the American flag and police support flag (black with blue stripe). Please come and browse :)

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Views 60
Listing id 107127
Post date October 7, 2018 5:53 PM
Garage Sale Date October 12, 2018
Garage Sale End Date October 13, 2018
Result 0 votes
Rachelle Quenault Ebbinghouser
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