Apartment sale... in Kent, King, Washington

Garage Sales Kent, Kent, King, Washington


Apartment sale, Saturday and Sunday. January 17th and 18th:

I am literally selling off everything that I have, total liquidation. What are looking for? Furniture, pictures, knickknacks, television, tools, sports equipment, fishing equipment, camping equipment, lamps, kitchen stuff? What do you need? Message me what you are looking for and I will send photo and what have you.

Not giving it away but I will haggle and make a good deal for you. What I don't sell with go with me or go in to storage.

No signs, just look for the Parkside Village Apartments. I will show earlier if you want to call and set up an appointment to come by.

By appointment only because I live in an apartment, but on Saturday and Sunday just come, building E, unit 104.


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Views 112
Listing id 1641
Post date January 13, 2015 10:13 PM
Result 0 votes
Rhettman A Mullis Jr
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