Large Antique Bed in Stephenville, Erath County, Texas

Furniture Stephenville, Erath County, Texas


I am selling a bed that is from my late wife's family. She told me that it was built on her family's plantation in Georgia and is pre-civil war vintage. I estimate that it is about 150-160 years old.

It is large and incredibly well-made with four main posts that are a little over 6 feet tall. I have attempted to put it together and moved it around the house many times. Mainly, it is an unusual size; roughly queen size. It has slats and could probably be assembled by someone with enough patience to do it.

I'm selling it because, finally I got her mother's blessing that it is indeed mine and I can sell it. It has taken up space here since Shelley moved in and we got married in 2017; she passed in 2019 and I still have it. With help, I have attempted to donate it, loan it, return it to her family; the Historic House Museum in Stephenville is simply unable to take it because it is too large.

I do not want to make a big deal about it but when Shelley was alive and we had just met, she was being evicted from her room in a house in Austin and the landlord, a man calling himself "sage" told her he was about to burn it and had stored it under the stairs outside. Shelley turned a different color and lunged at the man; it was the only time I saw her have a temper and I thought she was going to strangle him on the spot. Luckily that didn't happen. I will list it for $0 but this is no BS and if you really want it, make an offer; I'm a reasonable man.

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Listing id 295707
Post date April 24, 2024 7:04 AM
Result 0 votes
Brock Miller
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