Bedroom Set, Dresser, Chest of Drawers, Night Stand, and Head Board in St. Cloud, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin

Furniture No, St. Cloud, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
300.00 $


The dresser is 64" wide, 74" high and 18" deep with a mirror that can be removed. The chest of drawers is 38" wide, 52" high and 18" deep with 5 drawers. The nightstand is 26" wide, 24" high and 16" deep with 2 drawers. The headboard is 66" wide and 50" high and made for a queen size bed. The price includes all the pieces and does not include a frame or mattress.

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Listing id 290500
Post date February 5, 2023 12:52 PM
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Alan Depies
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