Xbox 1 with almost 20 games on it. in Pratt , Pratt County, Kansas

Video Gaming North East, Pratt , Pratt County, Kansas
375.00 $


The Games on this Xbox one are Assassins creed 4 black flag, darksiders 2, Diablo 3 reaper souls, dying light the following, just cause three, just cause two, NBA 2K 17, NBA 2K 16, Prototype 2, ryse son of Rome, titanfall 2 Star Wars the force unleashed 2, the division, watch dogs 1, gta 5, mass effect andromeda the preordered version, fallout 4, elite dangerous, and borderlands 2. WARNING: all the games were bought off of the Xbox live store so you have to buy all of them except gta 5 which I have a hard copy for. That is also why this is expensive. Not because the console but because there are almost 20 games worth that much on it. Willing to go down but not much

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Listing id 47931
Post date October 7, 2017 11:09 AM
Last edit October 19, 2017 12:37 PM
Result 0 votes
Nikolas Montgomery
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