11 Xbox 360 Games in Lagrange, Oldham, Kentucky

Games Wallmart, Lagrange, Oldham, Kentucky
110.00 $


Here is a list of the 11 games i am selling.
1-The last Remnant-Both Discs
2-Call of duty MW3
3-THe Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian
4-Halo Wars
5-Kingdom under fire Circle of doom
6-Halo 3 Complete Multilayer Experience
7-Call of duty MW2
8-Grand Theft Auto Episodes from Liberty city
9-Home Front
10-The Darkness 2
11-Red Faction Armageddon
Games $10 Each
if you want all or only want a certain amount of games or a certain game message me the location of your choice but needs to be in the oldham/Lagrange area thank you :)

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Listing id 6467
Post date May 27, 2015 1:38 PM
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Dalton Rucker
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