Razer Blade gaming laptop late 2016 edition in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington

Laptops West, Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington
1700.00 $


Best version of this laptop. Includes:

3200x1800 resolution touch panel (it looks as good as they say)
GeForce gtx 1060 video card
256 GB SSD
Lovely chroma chicklet style keys

I'm including the official Razer "Blade Armor" case pictured, as well as a Razer Death Adder chroma mouse. Why sell? I have too many toys and don't need it so I'm freeing up the cash. Have hardly used it. Stays very cool while gaming for a laptop, and I had a carbon fibre custom skin professionally installed on it. Completely removable, but trust me you don't want the fingerprint magnet finish exposed on the outside -- it's annoying AF.

LMK if you have questions.


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Views 343
Listing id 42455
Post date August 3, 2017 5:27 PM
Last edit August 4, 2017 4:59 PM
Result 0 votes
Charles Knudson
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