Unlocked Samsung Note 8 - Excellent Condition in Colby, Thomas County, Kansas

Cell Phones Colby, Colby, Thomas County, Kansas
599.00 $


I have a black 64 Gb Samsung Galaxy Note 8 smart phone in new condition. This phone has been well cared for and kept in a case since the very first day I bought it. I am selling it because I recently bought an iPhone 8 Plus to sync with my Apple laptop. The sale of this phone includes:

* 1 Black Samsung Galaxy Note 8 smart phone
* 1 Leather Wallet Case
* 1 Clear Case
* 1 Power Cord and Power Brick
* 1 Samsung Stylus (OEM)
* Good IMEI (transferable)

The first person with $599 cash in hand gets it! If you still see this ad, then the phone is still available. Call or text if you have any questions.


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Views 133
Listing id 59478
Post date May 30, 2018 1:04 PM
Result 0 votes
Marc Whaley
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