We are hosting a community outreach event for low income families and individuals who need or could benefit from a little assistance to help get through each month. We know life can be stressful and hard times fall on many of us at different times. Everybody needs a bit of help from time to time and every little bit counts. There are different agencies that exist to aid those in need and we are one of them.
Are you struggling to pay your phone bill? Finding it hard to pay all of your bills on time and need some help? Would a free cell phone and wireless service for a year help you? Need a phone to get a job, for emergencies, for your child? The California Lifeline program is a federally funded program that qualifies people to receive a free cell phone and free service for 1 year. After the year, you will receive a renewal letter. If your income threshold has not changed or you continue to receive the same benefits your free service will continue and there is NEVER a cost to you. You will NEVER receive a bill and there is NO fine print to worry about. If you are a low income family or individual most likely you qualify! How do you qualify?
Receive benefits like: EBT, Medi-Cal, SSI/SSA, WIC, NSLP, Section 8, CALWORKS
...or have a job and meet these household income requirements:
Household size ------------ Annual Income Limits
1-2 members ---- $25,700
3 ---- $29,900
4 ---- $36,200
For each additional member - Add $6,300.
For info on where to go and what you need to bring, simply reply to this posting with your contact info and what type of benefit you receive. ([email protected])