Many DVD's and Boxsets - $799 (Kent) in Kent, King, Washington

CDs/DVDs/VHS Kent, King, Washington
799.00 $


I am selling off what is left of my collection of DVD's. Out of a collection of 3000 DVD's there is just over 200 left and I am selling it as one unit.170 DVD's are singles; comedy, family, romance, westerns, superheroes, war, action/adventure, many Jackie Chan's, space, multiple movies in one unit like the Lethal Weapon series, Christmas, vintage/classics/animated/cartoons, and more. It is a potpourri of DVD's, see the attached photos. One or two or more are actually still sealed.

The boxsets or series include:

Original BattleStar Galactica Series with the Cylon facemask.
Special Edition Star Trek Movies from Kirk to Picard (Original through Next Generation movies (10 DVD's)
In edition to the individual Jackie Chan movies there is also a Jackie Chan boxset (3 DVD's).
Ma & Pa Kettle Volume 1
The Andy Griffith Show (24 episodes)
Laurel and Hardy (14 episodes)
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis (8 movies)
Special Edition Family Guy - Star Wars - Blue Harvest
Family Guy - Star Wars - Something, Something, Darkside.
Family Guy - Star Wars - It's a Trap
Hogan's Heroes - Complete 1st an 2nd Seasons

The whole lot is $799, which breaks down like this, the individual movies are $3.50 each, the special edition and boxsets are either $5 or $10 each. That equals $830. I am not a dealer, I am just a person who has gone through a very bad year and the holidays are here so I need the money.

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Listing id 712
Post date November 22, 2014 3:51 PM
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Rhettman A Mullis Jr
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