21 day fix in San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California

CDs/DVDs/VHS San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California
30.00 $


Hi my name is Kaydee I am a beachbody coach and I am here to tell you about an amazing opportunity that will help you get into shape fast. It is called 21 day fix and it is a 3 week exercise and nutrition plan. The exercises are 30 minutes a day and have both beginner and intermediate/advanced moves. The nutrition plan consists of 6 color coded containers one for each food group and an eating plan guide book. The guide book helps you figure out how many calories you need per day as well how much of each food group you need. You can either purchase the whole 21 day fix which consists of an exercise and diet plan or purchase the nutrition plan on its own and use it with other exercises. If you buy from me I will be your free coach and be there for you in order to give you support, accountability and motivation as well as help you figure out how to start your meal plans. I also have an awesome facebook group you can join called Detroit chicks counting down to summer with the 21 day fix for extra motivation and support. For info about prices or about the product itself please email me at [email protected]

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Listing id 6535
Post date May 29, 2015 2:05 AM
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Kaydee Forsythe
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