Nikon D700 in stephenville, Erath, Texas

Cameras stephenville, Erath, Texas
1300.00 $


I am selling my Nikon D700 and extras for $1300. I could ask almost that for the camera body alone. The lens in the box is worth 250 or more as well. Plus all of the memory cards that are atleast $20 each. Then there is the battery pack, extra battery, charger, lens filters, zoom lens, macro lens attachment, and wide angle lense attachment, a USB cord, a carrying case for memory cards, and screen protector. Just message or comment if interested. I need it gone. Spread the word! Camera is in great condition with no obvious signs of wear. Has always had screen protector on it. The camera just needs a professional cleaning on the inside to remove a few dust particles. It also comes with the manual.

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Listing id 8364
Post date June 23, 2015 3:17 AM
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Courtleigh White
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