Ken-Lab's Gyro Stabilizer - "Invisible Tripod" in Newton, Sussex County, New Jersey

Audio/Video Sparta, Newton, Sussex County, New Jersey
800.00 $


The KS-6 is ideal for stabilizing cameras for aerial photography and large format cameras.

• KS-6 Stabilizer (3.4" X 5.8") Stabilizer
• Charger
• Kenyon Power Pack (2-Hrs. at full RPM)
• Pelican Case (12" X 18" X 8")

Ken-LAB's Gyro Stabilizer - "Invisible Tripod" Kit includes the KS-6 Stabilizer (3.4" X 5.8") Stabilizer, Kenyon Power Pack, Charger and Pelican Case (12" X 18" X 8"). Used very little and in excellent condition. The KS-6 is designed to provide a stable platform for up to 12 lbs. of payload with an effective 20 degree pan rate per second.

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Listing id 54546
Post date February 26, 2018 12:00 PM
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George Williamson
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