A very good bundle for Sale in Butler County, Pennsylvania

Electronics Butler County, Pennsylvania
380.00 $


I am selling a stereo receiver The brand name is Onkyo and the model number is TX-NR609 , Plus I am selling a compact Disc player That holds up to 300 CD's It's pretty much like a jukebox The brand name is Sony and the model number is CDP-CX55, plus I am selling a Stereo Cassette player A-B Tape deck The brand name is Sony and the model number is TC-WE675 I am selling all 3 components together for $ 380.00 plus I only accept cash or money orders no personal checks sorry These items are in excellent condition plus hardly ever used Plus I would be willing to sell this components separately as well if Necessary that being said If you are interested please contact me my name is Daniel or you can ask for Cindy Also my home number is 304-459-3620 or you can text me or call me on my cell phone that number is 786-748-1145 also I'm selling my stereo system because I am trying to gather up some extra money to help with my moving and my new apartment plus I'm not able to take my stereo system with me

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Views 1044
Listing id 261656
Post date September 28, 2020 8:04 AM
Last edit October 15, 2020 4:21 PM
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