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Pearl Jasmine green tea is made from the pearls of green tea which is harvested in the spring season. This product is produced through high-tech processing equipment. That process guarantees a high quality tea. The Pearls are dried into a small tea balls. After brewing its open look like a piece of beautiful fresh pearl, its taste last for many times. This tea tastes sweet and fresh.
If you drink Pearl Jasmine green tea often, at least three times a day, it helps to lose weight and increases antioxidants. Also, it prevents cancer diseases. Furthermore, it helps to improve sore throats . It is helpful in reducing the hoarse speech problem when one has a sore throat and maintain good-looking skin .
When you drink the tea with honey and lemon, it is especially refreshing. In summer, after you brew the tea, you can keep it in refrigerator for a cold drink and it tastes awesome. It is not only a daily beverage but it also boosts up your energy if you drink eight cups a day.

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Listing id 23645
Post date December 29, 2015 9:30 PM
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Jennifer Lam
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