Yard Sale Space for rent- Palestine, IL Labor Day Weekend in Palestine, Crawford County, Illinois

Community Events W. Harrison Street, Palestine, Crawford County, Illinois
25.00 $


Palestine, Il celebrates Labor Day each year with an estimated 10,000 people visiting our little town. Yard Sale & Flea Market shoppers SWARM to the tiny town all weekend long! So... If you have things to sell & want a place in town to hold a yard sale that weekend I have the place for you! I am renting yard sale sites on my empty lot $25 (10'x10' space) (Wed 8/30- Mon 9/4/17) if you need more space we can accommodate and work with you to get you all the space you need! Have a car, truck, 4-wheeler, boat, motorcycle, orcamper to sell- rent a space! Contact me to reserve your space today! (You must provide your own tables & pop up tents) ***618-553-1844***

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Listing id 40850
Post date July 20, 2017 1:41 PM
Last edit July 24, 2017 2:37 PM
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Jody Lynn
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