Summer Art Classes-Summer Art Workshops in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska

Community Events SE Lincoln, Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska


Summer Art Workshops - $105
Private/Semi-Private Art Lessons-$25/$20.
5921 Berkeley Dr. Lincoln, NE 68512
Welcome to THE ART CORNER which has served Lincoln and surrounding communities since 1990. PLEASE check my WEBSITE: to see offerings for my summer art workshops. 9-12:00 AM-M-T-W-TH-F.... 15 hours of instruction in a friendly home art studio, cost $105.00. Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, Pottery, Cartooning, Graffiti are some of the many art processes we will be dabbling in! Famous artists will also be studied! Come create with us! Dawn Connelly, 402-499-7754

Please visit my site: and LIKE and SHARE!!! $5.00 off your child's summer art workshop if you LIKE and SHARE this page, make sure you tag The ART CORNER, Lincoln, NE when you SHARE!

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Listing id 4483
Post date April 18, 2015 9:27 PM
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Dawn Connelly
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