OUTDOOR ESTATE ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES AUCTION in Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania

Community Events Brodheadsville, Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania
1.00 $


SAT. OCT 24 at 10:00 A.M.
128 Rt. 715
Photos and partial listing at Auctionzip.com (ID#4958). Held Outdoors; Covid guidelines followed – bring mask and chair. Cupla’ Goodies: Folk decorated powder horn (1855), Revolutionary War pay vouchers and documents, (4) WWI Liberty Loan posters, old laboratory balance scales and instruments, much Gold, Silver and Costume jewelry, Liztech pins, Omega Seamaster wrist watch, o/c “Harbor Scene” signed W.A.J. Hogan (1884), pottery olla, old bottles, CI and other vint. toys, fishing lures and reels, Weatherby Olympian 20 ga. o/u Deluxe Game Gun sn#000646 (like new), Winch. Mod. 94 30-30, Winch. Mod. 25 12 ga. pump, early Rem. Arms 16 ga. hammer shotgun (super), 1907 U.S. $20.00 Gold Coin NGC MS61 and other Gold and Silver coins, 10 oz. pure silver ingots, military and patriotic medals/ribbons, cobalt signed stoneware, steeple clock, blacksmith & other old tools, 8” bench anvil, Emeralite banker’s lamp, paper and ephemera, Boy Scout collectibles, post cards, vint. comics, brass fire nozzle, old Gulf Gas window sign, mesh purse, old marbles, razors; still more rooms to go through. Auction subject to weather conditions: please check website for auction status Oct. 23 and 24. Displays open 9 A.M. auction day. Great Auction…Don’t Miss!
Jack Hamblin Auctions PA AU1813L PAA 570-688-5735

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Listing id 262386
Post date October 16, 2020 6:55 PM
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Jack Hamblin
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