Operation Christmas Child Washington & Ozaukee Counties, WI in Richfield, Washington County, Wisconsin

Community Events Hubertus, Richfield, Washington County, Wisconsin


If you haven't Liked the Operation Christmas Child Washington & Ozaukee Counties, WI Facebook page you are missing out. Are you interested in Volunteering or Helping with this project, please PM me and/or leave a comment. We are looking for sewers, crocheters, knitters, woodworker and any other crafty individuals. Our Packing Party on November 10th is fast approaching. We are in need of the following items to fill our shoeboxes. Anything you can help with is Appreciated:
Hygiene Items: Bar Soap, Cups (hard plastic kind) small and large, Toothbrushes & Dental Floss (Any Dental offices want to donate?) .
School Supplies: Here is a general list of items we can use:
*Pens (we received a generous donation of 320,000 pencils already :) )
*Markers *Highlighters
*Crayons *Colored pencils
*Notebooks *Loose-leaf paper
*Folders *Coloring Books
*Erasers *Pencil Sharpeners
*Rulers * Solar Calculators
*Pencil cases *5" Blunt or Pointed tip scissors
*Glue sticks (no liquid glue) As an extra incentive on School Supplies, Wisconsin Sales Tax Holiday runs from 8/1 - 8/5/18 and school supplies are not taxed if purchased during this time. (Please see attachment below for all qualifying items)
Please feel free to ask any questions. I will be happy to meet you or pick up!!
For additional information regarding OCC, you can also go to

Thank you!

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Listing id 65025
Post date August 3, 2018 9:50 PM
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