What is Hosting?
Hosting entails inviting an international high school student to live in one's home and experience life in America with their family. STSF host families will offer a high school student the opportunity to study in an American high school, experience a new culture, building lifelong friendships, and develop language and leadership skills that will serve them throughout their lives.
How can you Host a Student?
There is no such thing as a "typical" STSF host family. Regardless of the location of a family's residence or the size of their family, they are invited to host an STSF international student. In the past, host families have included:
Two parent families with young or school aged children
Single parent families with or without children
Empty nesters with grown children
Young couples without children
Host Family Responsibilities
An STSF host family is responsible for providing a safe, warm and nurturing environment for their international student for either a full academic year or fall semester. A private or shared bedroom (with a host sibling of the same gender), three meals a day, and necessary transportation.
Benefits of Hosting a Student
Hosting a foreign exchange student is a rewarding and life enriching experience for American families for a variety of reasons: Introducing one's family to a new culture and language. Growing closer as a family as one helps their international student to learn about their town and area. Experiencing the joys of having a new family member to love. Practicing hospitality and generosity with one's own family. Supporting diversity and cross-cultural understanding in one's own home. Increasing cultural awareness in one's community. Helping to make a difference in the world. Creating an international friendship that lasts a lifetime, and you may claim a $50 per month tax deduction for each month one hosts an international high school student.
For more information on hosting , have questions or would like additional information, please message me.
PT Local Coordinator positions are also available
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