Hahnville CHeerleader Craft SHow in Luling, St. Charles, Louisiana

Community Events Hahnville High School Grounds, Luling, St. Charles, Louisiana


THIS IS OUR FINAL PLEA for VENDORS...if you are considering to participate PLEASE LET ME KNOW! We are struggling for vendors. WE NEED at least 12 more vendors for this to be worthwhile for all involved!

HHS Cheer Craft Fair will take place Saturday, October 24th!!!! All interested vendors should go to http://www.stcharles.k12.la.us/hahnville.cfm?subpage=425 to download the application! All applications must be post marked by October 12th! If you have any questions email [email protected].

Please share to all your CRAFTY friends!!! We are looking for VENDORS...if you own a small craft business, direct sales business, make wreaths, jewelry, do embroidery, make bows,vinyl heat press, make candles...we are looking for you!! Please consider getting a booth and GROW your local business...anyone from the surrounding areas are invited as well...so PLEASE share with friends or your favorite little business or boutique owner! OUTDOOR space is available as well so all you furniture restorers are good to come too!!

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Listing id 15089
Post date September 9, 2015 3:36 PM
Result 0 votes
Angelle LeBlanc
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