Foster Families Needed in Anderson County, Kansas

Community Events Anderson County, Kansas


Have you ever considered being a foster parent? There are children in custody because of abuse or neglect. Many times siblings are split up due to lack of foster homes. I work for TFI Family Services. We are a nonprofit foster care agency serving the entire state of Kansas. The professionals at TFI would love to help you become a foster parent and open your hearts and homes to a child in need. The holidays are upon us and we would like to see the new year start with each child having a safe place to be. We are currently offering Virtual training to keep everyone safe. There is no risk or cost to apply and we make the process very simple. You can be single, married, no discrimination. If you are interested in becoming a Foster Parent, please reply to this post with your e-mail and what city in Kansas you live in and I'll get you the info you need. Thanks and many blessings to you!
Please PM me with your name, email address, city and State and I will get informatation out to you.

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Listing id 264611
Post date December 29, 2020 4:47 PM
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Libby Hayden
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