FALL ANTIQUES and COLLECTIBLES AUCTION in Brodheadsville, PA 18322, Monroe, Pennsylvania

Community Events Northeastern PA, Brodheadsville, PA 18322, Monroe, Pennsylvania
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Estate Antiques and Collectibles Auction
Saturday Nov. 7 at 10 A.M.
The West End Fire Hall
Brodheadsville, PA 18322

Selling from Stroud Twp., Dickson City and E. Stroudsburg Estates plus Select Consignments, to include cast iron & battery op. toys, porcelain and enameled steel signs, stoneware crocks & jugs, Buck Hill, Pocono Manor & other local hotel memorabilia, signed fine art, Gold and other coins, Civilian Conservation Corps trunk with contents, Sterling & other jewelry, miner's gear, WWI posters, Nazi, U.S. and other militaria, barber's chair, early oil and stained glass lamps, ant. clocks, vint. baseball collectibles, sleighbells, fireman's memorabilia, Black Americana, Regina music box discs, Poconos historic items, old advertising, paper & ephemera, primitives, loads of vint. Christmas decorations (many o/b) and more to unpack. Listing with hundreds of PHOTOS at Auctionzip.com (ID#4958) Doors open 8:30 A.M. Auction day for preview. 1st lot sells LIVE 10 A.M.; Cataloged Auction joins in at 11 A.M. Visit website to enter Bidding Catalog. Other Absentee Bids accepted through Friday 3 P.M. Good food served. Great Auction...Don't Miss!

Jack Hamblin Auctioneer AU1813L PAA NAA 570-688-5735

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Listing id 19440
Post date November 4, 2015 5:24 PM
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Jack Hamblin
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