Dance Fundraiser in Spencer, Buena Vista, Iowa

Community Events Spencer, Spencer, Buena Vista, Iowa
10.00 $


Fury Beverages and Blue Lakes Distributing have donated cases of Fury to a few Just For Kix dancers who are trying to fund their dance trip to the Outback Bowl in January. We will be selling the fury in the Spencer Bomgaars parking lot on Saturday March 26 from 10 to around 1 or when gone. All Fury would like you to do in order to get this great deal is to take a selfie with your fury and tag them on Facebook or twitter! If you have not tried a Fury we will be having some samples. 12 bottles to a case and $10/case. If you are interested and won't be able to make it to Spencer please call us anytime at 712-580-5088 and we can work the details out how to get the fury to you!! Thank you so much!

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Listing id 30899
Post date March 23, 2016 7:50 PM
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Justin Vail
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