Chris Stapelton Tickets in Monticello, Jones County, Iowa

Community Events Jones County, Monticello, Jones County, Iowa
50.00 $


ANYONE IN THE IOWA AREA!! I had gotten these tickets for Christmas and can no longer go (I also live in northern Minnesota, due to work it's too long of a drive to get there and back) . The tickets go for over $100 a piece and are general admission track (SRO) Great tickets!! I don't want them to go to waste so if anyone wants to go and take the tickets off my hands just I would appreciate it. I'm willimg to let them go gor anything. Just make me an offer! They're ready to be printed off! I'd hate for them to go to waste ! Someone let me know! I'd love for someone to enjoy the concert!

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Listing id 242151
Post date July 20, 2019 1:51 PM
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Karen Anne
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