2018 RZR XP1000 Ride Command in Sherman, Grayson County, Texas

Side-by-Sides Sherman, Sherman, Grayson County, Texas
17000.00 $


2018 Polaris XP1000 - Ride Command Edition (111 hrs/1006 miles)

Bought it new from dealer. Don't ride as much as would like. Currently been parked in garage for over 6 months. Machines been primarily driven on trails; Pine Mt, Mena AR, Lake Murray, Red River NM. Never been anywhere else.

Many extras added.
* Heise light bar - phone app controlled. Multi-color illumination
* Dragonfire harness
* Polaris storage unit. Double lined cooler. Secures to machine.
* Kemi Moto Side door bags
* Poly roof
* Fire Extinguisher - Velcro Mounted
* SuperATV - Lift Kit 3-5 inch
* Wheel Spacers - 2 inch
* 2 New front tires. Fairly new Rock Trix rims
* Winch - Used multiple times. Works great! (The remote is actually still wrapped/unused in the glove box)
* Half Windshield

Also have 14ft trailer available if interested. $900

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Views 1614
Listing id 253700
Post date April 16, 2020 6:51 AM
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Dave Sorge
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