4175 Taft Ave St. Louis Mo. 631q6 in St. Louis city, Missouri

ATVs St. Louis, St. Louis city, Missouri
99000.00 $


Nice city home. Close to everything you need or want. 10 mins from Soulard and 4 blocks from grocery stores. This house is wonderful. Our family just grew to big for it. Check it out. Bills run low compared to most of the city bills. We have no water meter at this home so you pay a flat rate! So guess what? More for your money!!! Please pass along to your friends or family. They might need something close to everything and on a good dime. Also we are still working in the home some so we do have updates to this. Please let us know!!! Thanks so much for looking!

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Views 88
Listing id 27847
Post date February 21, 2016 6:50 PM
Result 0 votes
Angel Padgitt
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